
Pregnancy Test

Pregnancy test depends on determination of antigen  (HCG) in maternal urine or serum  Most common and convenient way is Pregnancy kit test (or) Pregnancy card test. PREGNANCY KIT TEST (OR) PREGNANCY CARD TEST It can be detect pregnancy from 11 th  day of conception, but it is not reliable after 12 weeks. Collection of urine : collect the first voided urine in the morning  in a clean container (not to washed  with soap) Dip the kit into the urine container OTHER TEST INCLUDE Direct agglutination test (HCG direct test) ELISA  (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) Fluoroimmunoassay (FIA) Radio Immuno Assay (RIA) Immunu radio metric assay (IRMA) Utrasound graphy intradecidual gestational sac (GS) is identified as early as 29 days of gestation.

How To Calculate Expected Date Of Delivery Or Duration Of Pregnancy?

Duration of pregnancy is calculated in terms of 280 days or 40 weeks or 9 calendar months and 7 days or 10 lunar months calculated from first day of last menstrual period was 1 st  February then expected date of delivery will be 8 th  November.

Body Changes In Pregnancy (Trimester Wise)

1 st   Trimester (First 12 Weeks) Missed Period (Amenorrhoea) : Healthy individuals having periously a normal period is most likely due to pregnancy (unless proven otherwise) Morning Sickness : It is present in 50% of pregnant females. – Starts soon after missed period – Rarely last beyond first trimester Increase Frequency of Micturition : Quite troublesome symptoms during 8th to 12th week pregnancy. After 12 weeks this symptom disappears. Breast Discomfort : It is in form of feeling of fullness and feeling of pricking sensation. It is evident as 6th to 8th week especially in first pregnancy. Fatique : It is a frequent symptom may occur early in pregnancy. 2 nd  Trimester (13-28 Weeks) Amenorrhoea (missed periods) continues, while other symptom subside. A Feeling of life (Quickening) – It denotes the participation of active fetal movement by the women. It is usually felt about the 18 th  week of pregnancy. Progressive enlargement of lo...